
23 September 2024: Andrew is awarded his PhD. Awesome effort!

20 September 2024: Amaya and the team have paper on concussion published in Neuropsychologia.

30 July 2024: Just the biggest ALL TIME lab news - Han wins an ARC Future Fellowship. What a star!

27 June 2024: Tara, Han and Paul have a stage 2 registered report accepted at Cortex.

30 May 2024: Natasha, Steph, Paul and AMC win a 2024 Education Horizon research from the QLD government.

30 April 2024: Yohan and the family have a paper accepted for publication at Cerebral Cortex.

28 March 2024: Long time lab member Amaya Fox submits her PhD. What a legend! Here she is with all her supervisors.

20 March 2024: Li-Ann et al. have a paper accepted at Brain Stimulation.

9 March 2024: Kelly et al. have a paper accepted of Psychophysiology.

7 March 2024: Big news! Shane and the gang get paper at JoN accepted. This is from the large Brain stim, training, imaging study.

6 March 2024: Nick Willmot gets his PhD

30 January 2024: Well done to Yohan who has just been officially awarded his PhD.

15 January 2024: Kel and lab members past and present have a paper accepted at JEP:LMC.

5 January 2024: Happy 15th birthday lab.

2 January 2024: Welcome to Alvin Wong who starts as a PhD student.

5 December 2023: Nick, Li-Ann, Han and Paul have stage 2 registered report accepted at Cortex.

28 November 2023: Paul and former lab member Kristina "Kiki" Horne wear similar shoes at conference. (Paul feels young and cool)

28 November 2023: Li-Ann, Paul and Hannah have paper accepted at eNeuro.

26-30 November 2023: Lab attends ABSS and ACNS meetings. Tara (x2) and Shane receive prizes for outstanding presentations.

1 November 2023: Li-Ann gets faculty job at Edith Cowan University. Congratulations (but we'll miss you!).

7 October 2023:  Yo et al. have a paper acceoted for publication in Cerebral Cortex.

28 September 2023: Yo hands in his PhD Thesis - big deal.

30 August 2023: Hannah gets promoted to Senior Lecturer. What an amazing achievement from a true legend.

23-25 August 2023: Two Journal of Neuroscience papers from the lab accepted. Not a bad week.

15 August 2023: Paul wins the ACNS Outstanding Service Prize - he's quite pumped about this one.

28 June 2023:  Andrew, Cliff and Paul have a paper accepted at International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.

6 June 2023: Nick, Hannah, Li-Ann and Paul have a paper accepted at the new Imaging Neuroscience journal.

14 June 2023: Shane is awarded his PhD. Don't worry....he ain't going no where. Now is doing a postdoc in the lab.

20 February 2023: Welcome to Sam, Jiaqin, Bri and Yuhan who join the lab as honours students

19 January 2023: George Normore joins the lab as an  RA.

18 January 2023: Paul starts as an action editor at JEP:HPP

13 January 2023: Shane hands in his PhD Thesis - tremendous achievement.

5 January 2023: Lab turns 14...where does the time go

24 November 2022: Paul and Hannah get an ARC Discovery grant. So excited to do this work!

15 October 2022: Shane, Yohan, Paul and Han, along a bunch of the usual suspects, have a paper accepted at Neuropsychologia.

5 October 2022: Well done to the lab's honours students who just submitted their theses!

22 September 2022: Huge news...Amaya Fox gets her first first author paper in Scientific Reports along with Paul and Hannah.

8 September 2022: Just the biggest news....Kelly gets a tenure-track lectureship at UNSW.  We're all so proud of you.

28 July 2022: Paul is on a successful Education Horizon grant led by Natasha Matthews along with Annemaree Carroll and Stephanie Macmahon.

12 July 2022: Huge news...Matilda Gordon gets her first first author paper in Scientific Reports along with Paul and Hannah.

8 July 2022: A big welcome Joshua Sabio who joins the lab, with a scholarship, to do a PhD. Lucky us!

6 June 2022: Kelly and Paul have a paper accepted at Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

31 May 2022: Kelly and Paul, a long with Hons students Shelly and Luke, have paper accepted for publication at Journal of Cognition.

28 February 2022: Welcome Kathleen, Anjeli, Esteban and Jenny who join the lab as Honours students.

16 February 2022: Natasha, Jason and Paul have paper accepted at Scientific Reports.

25 January 2022: Claire, Abbey, Paul and Jason have a paper accepted at Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

5 January 2022: Kali joins the lab as a PhD student

5 January 2022: Another trip around the sun - the labs turns 13.

17 December 2021: Aisling, Paul, Natasha and Annemaree have a paper accepted in Journal of Child Language.

14 December 2021: Andrew, Cliff and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in the International Sport Coaching Journal. 

3 December 2021: Reveen, Jordan, Luke and Shelli  all get first class honours.

2 September 2021: Aisling, Paul, Natasha and Annemaree have a paper accepted at Cognitive Development.

1 July 2021: Kara Parsons joins the lab as a PhD student

8 June 2021: Tara wins the University Medal for her undergraduate studies. Such an amazing achievement.

12 May 2021: SJ, Paul and Han have paper accepted at Neuropsycholoia.

5 May 2021: Welcome to Aya who joins the lab as an RA.

7 April 2021: Welcome to Matilda Gordon who starts in the lab as a PhD student.

9 March 2021: Farewell to Abbey who heads to Canada for a postdoc. We'll miss you.

1 March 2021: Welcome to Kali our new lab RA.

22 February 2021: Kiki leaves for a postdoc and hospital gig as a Neuropsych.

22 February 2021: Welcome to Reveen, Jordan, Luke and Shelli who join the lab as honours students

25 January 2021: Welcome to Michelle, Tara and Athena who join the lab as PhD students.

5 January 2021: Another trip around the sun - the labs turns 12.

1 January 2021: Welcome to Tara and Michelle who join the lab as PhD students, both on scholarship.

7 December 2020: Hannah, Leo and Paul have a paper published in Neuropsychologia.

25 November 2020: Lab superstar Kristina "Kiki" Horne passes her PhD!

13 November 2020: Paul, Hannah, Jason and Charlotte Stagg are awarded an ARC grant!

3 November 2020: Shane, Yohan, Han, Jason and Paul have a paper accepted at Journal of Neurophysiology.

26 October 2020: Kiki's Nature Human Behaviour paper is published

7 October 2020: Abbey, Dave Sewell and Paul have a paper accepted at Neuropsychologia.

19 June 2020: Huge news, Abbey passes her PhD! Congratulations, we are so proud of you. 

4 June 2020: Kelly, Marta and Paul have a paper accepted at eNeuro.

25 May 2020: More huge news! Susie gets her PhD. Such an amazing achievement.

6 May 2020: Huge congratulations to Aisling who has just been awarded her PhD.

1 April 2020: Welcome to Nick Willmot who joins the lab as a PhD student.

10 March 2020: Hannah and the gang have a paper accepted at Neuropsychologia.

24 February 2020: Welcome to Georgia, Matilda, Tara and Lizzy who join the lab as honours students.

13 January 2020: Amaya Fox starts as a PhD student on full scholarship in the lab! So lucky to have her in the group.

10 January 2020: Nice start to the year....Paul and Michelle have a paper accepted in APP combining two of the labs great loves....metacognition and training.

5 January 2020: Another trip around the sun - the labs turns 11.

23 December 2020: Long time Dux labber, Susie Travis, hands in her PhD. Been working in the lab since she was an undergraduate. Such a great day.

12 December 2019: Xee Yuan receives an award for best Honours thesis! And, Paul and Abbey's team thesis group got the highest overall GPA. Such wonderful outcomes for a lot of hard work.

21-24 November 2019: Lab attends ANCS and all members do a great job with their presentations.

11 November 2019: Abbey hands in her PhD thesis - such a great job! We are all so proud of you.

25 October 2019: Paul, Hannah, Jason and Charlotte Stagg are awarded a research partnership worth $500,249 from Defence's Human Performance Research network.

24 October 2019: Paul, Hannah and Jason have an opinion paper on tDCS accepted at Cortex.

9 October 2019: Well done to all the honours students who submitted their theses today.

30 August 2019: Aisling hands in her PhD Thesis - amazing achievement. 

30 August 2019: Sad day as we farewell long time Dux Labber Michelle Hall who is moving to a Research Officer/Data Badass position at the National Centre for Educational Research (NCVER).

17 April 2019: Han, Ash Griffin and Paul have a paper accepted at Neuropsychologia on the casual neural substrates of mind wandering. Ash's first paper and lab's first with a Radiohead lyric in the title.

9 April 2019: Han, Amaya and Paul have a paper accepted at Neuroimage on the casual neural substrates of implicit Theory of Mind. Amaya's first paper!

7 April 2019: Han, Shane, Thom, Jason, and Paul have a paper on brain structure predictors of tDCS outcomes accepted at Neuroimage.

7 February 2019: Han, Shane, Saskia  and Jason have a paper accepted at Cortex. Shane's first paper and first lab paper using MRS.

2 February 2019: Welcome to Amaya Fox who joins the lab as an RA.

14 January 2019: Dustin leaves for his new job at the AFP. Well done, but we'll miss you.

5 January 2019: Lab turns 10.

2 January 2019: Yohan Wards starts his PhD in the lab.

18 December 2018: Yohan Wards receives a scholarship to do a PhD in the lab.

28 November 2018: Amaya and Ash both receive 1st Class Honours! Awesome achievement!

27 November 2018: The biggest and best news...Hannah receives an ARC DECRA Fellowship worth $405,000!!!!

24 November 2018: Paul becomes President Elect of the Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society

21 November 2018: Paul is promoted to Full Professor.

20 November 2018: Paul wins the Health and Behavioural Science Faculty Award for Research Mentorship. 

9 November 2018: Well done to Hannah who received a UQ Early Career Researcher Grant worth $33,000!

5 November 2018: Aisling, Natasha Matthews, Paul and Annemaree Carroll have a paper accepted at Development and Psychopathology.

30 October 2018: Congratulations to Morgan who had her PhD passed. She's already off at a cool job in industry!

17 October 2018: Susie, Paul and Jason have a paper accepted at APP.

9 July 2018: Morgan, Jason and Paul have a paper accepted at JEP:HPP.

16 May 2018: Well done to Chelle who passed her thesis WITHOUT CORRECTIONS!!!!

3 April 2018: Ant, Paul and Jason have paper accepted at European Journal of Neuroscience.

15 March 2018: Huge congrats to Ant who had his thesis passed without corrections! Great job!

1 March 2018: Chelle, Jason, Claire and Paul have a paper accepted at Neuroimage.

19 February 2018: Welcome to Amaya Fox and Ash Griffin who are doing honours in the lab this year.

13 February 2018: Ant, Paul and Jason have a paper accepted at Journal of Neuroscience.

10 January 2018: Chelle, Jason and Paul have a paper accepted at Journal of Neurophysiology.

5 January 2018: Lab turns!

26 December 2018: Well done to, Ant, who has just submitted his PhD. We are all so thrilled for you. Amazing effort.

9 December 2018: Huge News! Kiki, Hannah, Jason and Paul have Stage 1 Registered Report, entitled "Combining cognitive training and transcranial direct current stimulation in older adults." accepted in principle at Nature Human Behaviour. So excited to run this study following this open science approach. 

29 November 2017: Shane receives 1st Class Honours - Well done!!!!

15 November 2017: Just the best news! Chelle submits her PhD thesis! Great effort - we are all so proud of you. 

14 November 2017: Abbey, Dave Sewell and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in Cortex. This is Abbey's first, first author paper - WELL DONE!

10 November 2017: HUGE NEWS! Paul and Jason receive a Discovery Project grant from the ARC "Neural substrates of paired decision-making training and brain stimulation?" worth $583,270 over 3 years. 

2 November 2017: Congrats to Shane who submitted his Honours thesis - Well done!!!

19 October 2017: Claire, Jason, Angie and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in Cortex.

19 September 2017: Hannah, Jason, Max Lyons and Paul have a tDCS and training paper accepted at Scientific Reports.

18 September 2017: Ashika, Jason, Phoebe Palmer and Paul have new paper on training accepted in APP.

25 August 2017: Bitter sweet day, Angie Bender leaves for postdoc at UWA.

24 August 2017: New paper on implicit theory on mind in older adults accepted for publication in QJEP.

23 August 2017: Huge congrats to Angela Bender who has passed her PhD. She leaves soon for a postdoc in Perth - well done all round!

23 August 2017: Angela, Hannah, Claire and Paul have a paper accepted at npj Science of Learning.

9 August 2017: Claire, Ben and Paul have a paper accepted at Journal of Neurophysiology

15 June 2017: Claire, Kiki, Dana, Dustin, Ash and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in HBM.

16 May 2017: Susie, Paul and Jason have a paper accepted for publication in JEP:HPP.

28 April 2017: Ashika, Jason, Kelly and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in JEP:HPP. This is a large scale training paper on the influence of decision-making training on temporal attention.

4 March 2017: Well done to Ant who just had a paper accepted for publication in Neuroimage.

6 February 2017: Aisling gives fantastic confirmation seminar and passes with flying colours. Well done!

1 February 2017: Big time welcome to Shane who joins the lab as an Honours student.

31 January 2017: Hannah, Roxanne and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in APP.

25 January 2017: Dana, Virginia and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in Cognition.

13 January 2017: Huge congratulations to Angela Bender who just submitted her PhD.

5 January 2017: Lab turns 8....where does the time go?

21 December 2016: Huge news! Kristina Horne has won a scholarship to undertake a combined Masters of Neuropsychology and PhD in the lab.

5 December 2016: Jason and Paul, along with Hartwig Siebner from the Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, receive a project grant from the NHMRC "Do ongoing cognitive demands affect the efficacy of transcranial electrical brain stimulation in young and older healthy adults?" worth $627,857 over 3 years. 

23 October 2016: Angela, Hannah and Paul have a paper accepted for publication at Neuroimage.

30 September 2016: Bitter sweet day as we farewell long time Dux Labber, Claire, who has taken a fantastic job with the CSIRO.

23 September 2016: Seven news does story on our recent Cerebral Cortex paper. 

5 September 2016: Claire, Jason and Paul have EEG paper on temporal profile of object individuation accepted for publication at Journal of Neurophysiology.

1 September 2016: Paul wins ACNS young investigator award

26 August 2016: Lab uniform sorted...

6 June 2016: Welcome to Dustin Venini who will be working in the lab as an RA.

1 June 2016: Welcome to Aisling Mulvihill who will be undertaking a PhD in the lab.

30 May 2016: Well done to Ant who just was awarded a Graduate School International Travel Award (GSITA) of $5,000. 

27 May 2016: Congrats to Angela (Hannah, Kel, Claire and Paul) who just had her first paper accepted at APP!

25 May 2016: Hannah, Jason and Paul (plus Lizzie Varghese and Guy Hawkins) have a paper accepted at Cerebral Cortex demonstrating training transfer via a combined training and tDCS protocol. Very excited about this one - stay tuned for publication.

9 May 2016: Claire receives Dean's Award for Outstanding Research Higher Degree Theses. Awesome achievement!

1 May 2016: Kelly and Paul have discussion article appear in Australian Science on Brain Training and Multitasking.

23 March 2016: Important news....Paul and Ash dress the same.

29 February 2016: HUGE NEWS! Hannah wins a UQ Fellowship to work in the lab for the next 3 years.

11 February 2016: Welcome to Emma, Phoebe and Roxanne who will be doing honours in the lab this year.

25 January 2016: Ashika, Kelly, Jason and Paul have a paper accepted at JoN. Shows structural brain predictors of multitasking training benefits. Pretty good first lab paper, Ash! Well done.

9 January 2016: Kelly, former Honours student, Casey Lynch and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in JEP:HPP. Shows training transfer in a dual-task setting.

5 January 2016: Happy 7th birthday lab.

17 December 2015: Paul and the Italian-Canadian consortium have a paper accepted at Psychophysiology.

25-29 November 2015: Paul, Hannah, Ant, Angela and Claire all present at the ACNS meeting.

20 November 2015: Kristina (aka Kiki) gets into the highly selective Doctorate of Neuropsychology program at UQ.

10 November 2015: Hannah is a discussion panelist for the "Zap My Brain" forum hosted by the Centre for Integrative Brain Function.

29 October 2015: John Duncan and Daniel Mitchell write commentary on Kelly and Paul's recent PNAS paper. Here's the link

19 October 2015: Morgan, Paul and Derek Arnold have paper accepted at JEP:HPP. Investigates the info in signals that confidence and perception are based on.

13 October 2015: PNAS paper by Kel and Paul is now out.

7 October 2015: Jess and Max submit their honours theses. Well done!

6 October 2015: Abbey Nydman starts her PhD in the lab.

10 September 2015: Huge news! Kelly and Paul have paper accepted for publication at PNAS.

8 September 2015: Welcome to Kristina Horne who joins the lab as an RA.

4 September 2015: A sad day as long time Dux labber, Kelly Garner, leaves to take up a postdoc in the UK - University of Birmingham. Best of luck, Kel, you'll be amazing!

28 August 2015: Congrats to Hannah who has won a prestigious Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience (USA).

4 August 2015: Abbey Nydam wins APA scholarship to undertake a PhD in the lab.

5 June 2015: David, Paul and Jason have a paper accepted at Neuroimage. Uses combined TMS and EEG to examine brain areas causally involved in global feature-based enhancement vs. contingent capture.

13 May 2015: Welcome to Ashley York who joins the lab as an RA

12 May 2015: Kelly, Tash, Roger and Paul have a paper accepted at JoCN. Uses ERPs to show training transfers differently at different levels of information processing.

13 April 2015: Kelly receives Dean's Award for Outstanding Research Higher Degree Theses. Great Achievement, Kel!

4 April 2015: Congrats to Chelle (along with Jason and Paul) who just had a paper accepted at JEP:HPP! Not a bad place for your first, first author paper.

4 March 2015: Claire passes her PhD without corrections. Well done - an amazing effort!

2 March 2015: Welcome to Jessica and Maxwell who will be doing honours in the lab this year.

21 February 2015: David, Paul and Jason have a paper accepted for publication at Neuropsychologia. Uses TMS and an individual differences approach to examine the intraparietal sulcus and temporoparietal junction in attentional capture from distractor features.

27 January 2015: Hannah, Paul and Jason have a paper accepted at Neuropsychologia. Uses tDCS to show distinct functional roles for right parietal cortex in the detection of single and competing stimuli.

23 January 2015: Lab alum, Dr. Dana Schneider, wins the Weber-Bosch Award from the Society for Research in Autism Spectrum Conditions. Well done!

5 January 2015: Lab turns, where does the time go?

16 December 2014: Long time Dux Labber (Hons, RA, PhD) Claire Naughtin submits her thesis. Magnificent effort! Well done.

3 December 2014: Our cover article in Trends in Neurosciences is out!

3 December 2014: Big time congrats to Lizzie and Casey who received first class honours.

18 November 2014: Huge news - Kelly passes her PhD without her thesis requiring any corrections! Well done, Dr. Garner.

7 November 2014: Hannah, Jason and Paul have a paper accepted for publication at JEP:HPP. Shows objects substitution masking can be observed for a fully attended and foveated target.

29 October 2014: Angela passes her PhD confirmation with flying colours.

28 October 2014: Amy gets accepted to Med School. Such great news.

28 October 2014: Recent Trends in Neurosciences article is going to have the cover! Well done, team and big thanks to Dr. David Lloyd - a true renaissance man.

8 October 2014: Well done to Lizzie, Casey and Steffi who handed in their honours theses!

7 October 2014: Paul along with the "ICAU (Italian-Canadian-Australian-US) consortium" has a paper accepted at Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

2 October 2014: Paul and Natasha welcome a beautiful baby girl - Hetty (Henrietta Elizabeth Frances) Dux - to the world (amazing lab photo).

15 September 2014: Welcome to Dr Ashika Verghese, from Univ of Melbourne, who joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow.

12 September 2014: Well done to Michelle who passed her confirmation with flying colours!

1 September 2014: Stef, Anna Grubert (Birkbeck College, Univ of London) and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in Neuroimage.

20 August 2014: Kelly submits her PhD thesis - Awesome job, Kel. Outstanding!

20 August 2014: Claire, Jason and Paul have an fMRI paper on the neural substrates of individuation and identification in VSTM accepted for publication in Cerebral Cortex.

13 August 2014: Hannah, Paul and Jason have a review on tDCS accepted for publication at Trends in Neurosciences.

27-31 July 2014: 12th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON) comes to Brisbane. Claire, Ant and Hannah all present.

16-19 July 2014: Annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) comes to Brisbane.

10 July 2014: Dana, Virginia, Stef and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in Neuroimage. First, fMRI study on implicit false-belief processing.

16 June 2014: Paul spends a week visiting Kia Nobre's and Mark Stokes's groups at Oxford.

23 May 2014: Dana, Zoie Nott (co-first authors) and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in Cognition.

1-6 May 2014: Paul, Claire, Michelle, and Ant all participate in a workshop on Human Cognitive Neuroscience "Multimodal Attention and Perception of Space" hosted by the Queensland Brain Institute and Munich Center for Neurosciences.

23-26 April 2014: Hannah, Ant, Claire, Kelly and Michelle all present at the Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference held in Brisbane. Claire won a student award for best talk and Michelle an award for best student poster. Well done, team!

4 April 2014: Congrats to Morgan who won an Australian Postgraduate Award to fund her PhD!

28 March 2014: Dana, Virginia Slaughter and Paul have a review paper accepted for publication in PBR.

26 March 2014: Hannah, Jason and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in APP.

12 March 2014: Congratulations to Morgan Spense who will join the lab as a PhD student. She will be working with Derek Arnold, Jason Mattingley and Paul.

20 February 2014: Welcome to Steffi, Casey and Lizzie who will work in the lab as honours students this year.

29 January 2014: David, Paul, Susie and Jason have a paper accepted at Journal of Neuroscience. The work investigates the influence of central visual search strategy on feature-based attention at peripheral locations.

22 January 2014: Kelly, old buddy Mike Tombu and Paul have a paper accepted at Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. The research shows that cognitive training transfers differently at different levels of information processing.

5 January 2014: Happy birthday to the lab who turns, where does the time go?

18 December 2013: Paul is a Partner Investigator on the recently awarded ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function to be run out of Monash University and led by Prof. Gary Egan. The grant is worth $20 million.

13 December 2013: Big time congrats to Ant Harris who received an Australia Postgraduate Award to join the lab as a PhD student in 2014.

9 November 2013: Paul, Hannah, Kelly and Claire all present posters at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

8 November 2013: Paul, Jason and Brad Wyble (from Penn State) receive an ARC Discovery Grant  ($547,000, 2014-2016).

7 November 2013: Paul is promoted to Associate Professor.

31 October 2013: Claire, Ben Tamber-Rosenau and Paul have a paper accepted for publication in Journal of Neurophysiology. The research examines the neural basis of temporal individuation using repetition blindness and fMRI. Well done team!

30 October 2013: Big news! Dana is awarded her PhD. Well done, we are all so happy for you.

12 October 2013: Hannah, Jason, René Marois and Paul have a paper accepted for publication at Journal of Neuroscience. Study shows that disrupting left hemisphere prefrontal cortex prevents performance gains from response-selection training. Casual evidence in support of the hypotheses put forward by Dux et al. (2009, Neuron). Really thrilled about this one.

18 September 2013: Big congrats to David who submitted his PhD. Good luck for the postdoc in Japan. You will be missed!

13 September 2013: Well done to Kelly who received a $1000 travel award to attend the 2013 "Learning to Attend, Attending to Learn" workshop in San Diego. Way to go, Kel.

2 September 2013: Welcome to Michelle Hall, from the Yantis group, who received a Scholarship to undertake her PhD in the lab. Well done, Michelle!

28 August 2013: Hannah, Jason and Paul have a paper accepted at Cortex demonstrating how tDCS of the Prefrontal Cortex can enhance multitasking performance. Well done, team!

19 August 2013: Paul gives invited talk at The Australian National University.

9 August 2013: Paul gives invited talk at Macquarie University.

4 August 2013: Dana, Virginia Slaughter and Paul, along with old UQ buddy Andrew Bayliss, now at University of East Anglia, have a paper accepted at Cognition. The work demonstrates that those with ASD have a temporally sustained deficit in implicit theory of mind. Well done team.

24 July 2013: Farewell to Dana Schneider, as she leaves the lab and UQ to start her postdoc in Germany. Wishing you all the best, Dana!

15 July 2013: A founding member of the lab, Dana Schneider, hands in her PhD thesis. Well done, Dana, we are all so proud of you.

15 July 2013: Angela Bender starts as a PhD student in the lab.

20 June 2013: Paul, along with international collaborators Brad Wyble, Pierre Jolicoeur and Roberto Dell'Acqua, has a paper accepted for publication in JEP:HPP.

18 June 2013: Kel returns after visiting The University of Oxford where she gave a number of talks on her training studies. Way to represent!

7 June 2013: Angela Bender receives and APA scholarship to undertake her PhD in the lab. Well done!

30 May 2013: Paul along with Ben Tamber-Rosenau, Mike Tombu, Chris Asplund and René Marois has a paper accepted for publication in Journal or Neuroscience.

6 May 2013: Huge news. Paul is a chief investigator, along with 26 other researchers from across Australia and overseas, on an Australian Research Council Special Initiative Grant "A science of learning research centre". The University of Queensland led consortium with receive $16 million over the next 4 years. See the story here.

23 April 2013: Paul gives the 2013 Paul Bourke Award Lecture

1 March 2013: Tough day in the lab as we wish fond farewell to our RA of the last year and a half Bec King. What's important to remember is that people never leave the lab. They just come in less often. We will all miss you. All the best for your exciting new adventures!

28 February 2013: Paul along with Warrick Roseboom and Chris Olivers has a paper accepted for publication in PLoS ONE.

25 February 2013: Lab welcomes new RAs; Amy Taylor and Luke Hearne.

6 February 2013: Paul speaks at a symposium on the "Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Brain Training" at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society. 

5 February 2013: Paul is a member of successful UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure (MEI) & NHMRC Equipment Grants.

28 January 2013: Paul along with Lab alum Steph Goodhew and Jay Pratt and Susanne Ferber, from University of Toronto, have review on Object Substitution Masking accepted for publication in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

5 January 2013: Lab turns 4!

5 December 2012: Big News - Hannah has her PhD thesis passed. Well done Dr. Filmer.

30 November 2012: Paul along with Gillian Dale and Karen Arnell of Brock University (Canada) have a paper accepted for publication in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

28 November 2012: Congrats to Anglea, Jon and Zoie who all received first class honours!

10 November 2012: Congrats to Angela, Jon and Zoie who all handed in the honours theses. Well done this year guys!

26 September 2012: Paul receives the Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Research from The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA).

20 September 2012: Congrats to Dana who won the 2012 Postgraduate Student Research Excellence Prize from the UQ School of Psychology.

18 August 2012: New fMRI paper by Bayliss, Naughtin, Lipp, Kriticos and Dux accepted for publication in Psychophysiology. Well done team!

25 July 2012 (afternoon): Congrats to Claire Naughtin who after a fantastic presentation was confirmed as a PhD student - well done!

25 July 2012 (morning): Paul receives a Future Fellowship from the Australian Research Council (2012-2016, $714,502). Grant examines how cognitive training changes the brain.

1 June 2012: A NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (Parent R21), Paul is a consultant on, gets funded (2012-2014, $275000, N. Woodward, B. Rogers, P. E. Dux, R. Marois, S. Heckers). The research examines response selection in people with Schizophrenia.

16 May 2012: Paul gives a presentation at VSS based on the work of Kelly & Dux.

11 May 2012: Kelly gives a presentation at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society.

30 April 2012: Kelly gets confirmed as a PhD student. Well Done Kel.

15 April 2012: Well done to Kelly, Claire, Dana and Susie who all gave great presentations at the Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference.

13 April 2012: Susie, Jason Mattingley and Paul have a paper on the role of working memory in contextual cueing accepted for publication in JEP:LMC. Particularly well done to Susie as this is her first paper!

28 March 2012: Big time congrats to Steph Goodhew who just accepted a faculty position (Lecturer, Assistant Professor for our North American friends) at Australian National University. She starts in July - Well Done!

24 March 2012: Congrats to lab alum Steph Goodhew who won a Dean's Award for her PhD thesis.

20 March 2012: Congrats to Susie Travis who has won an Australian Postgraduate Award to support her PhD in the lab!

1 March 2012: Congrats to Susie Travis who just got accepted to do a PhD in the lab!

27 February 2012: Welcome to Angela Bender, Jonathan Chong and Zoie Nott who will be doing there honours projects in the lab this year.

22 February 2012: Paul is awarded the 2012 Randolph Blake Early Career Award from Vanderbilt University.

7 February 2012: Kelly and Paul get a paper accepted at Cognition and Emotion. Great job Kel!

23 January 2012: Welcome to Hannah Filmer who joins the lab as a postdoc having undertaken a PhD at Exeter with Prof. Stephen Monsell

15 January 2012: Big News! Dana, Rebecca (Hons student 2011), Andrew Bayliss and Paul have a paper accepted at Psychological Science examining the role played by executive function in implicit theory of mind.

9 January 2012: Dana, along with Paul, Virginia Slaughter and Andrew Bayliss, receive $3500 from the APEX foundation for work on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Congrats Dana!

5 January 2012: Lab turns 3 - Happy birthday!

14 December 2011: Paul has paper accepted in PBR along with international collaborators Dell'Acqua, Wyble and Jolicoeur.

2 December 2011: Paul receives tenure.

30 November 2011: Congratulations to Rebecca Lam, Elle Jones and Susie Travis who all received 1st class honours.

22 November 2011: Paul gets promoted to Senior Lecturer

17 November 2011: Steph, Paul, Ottmar and Troy have a paper accepted at Cognition. For Steph this means that all 3 papers from her PhD ended up in A* journals....not too shabby!

17 October 2011: Mattingley, Dux and Molenberghs receive an NHMRC project grant for $513,675.00 (2012-2014).

12 October 2011: Frances, Elle, Rebecca and Susie hand in their Honours theses. Great job this year team!

16 September 2011: Paul gives a seminar at the School of Psychology at the University of Western Australia.

13 September 2011: Paul wins a UQ Foundation Research Excellence Award which comes with $90,000 research funding. See the news story and video here.

3 September 2011: Paul appears as an APS Rising Star.

24 August 2011: Paul interviewed about multitasking in The Daily Telegraph.

16 August 2011: New unified bottleneck paper in PNAS discussed in Wired Science.

11 August 2011: During science week on the ABC Paul is featured in many radio interviews on the multitasking test.

11 August 2011: The ABC along with Paul, Jason Mattingley and Rob Colvin launch a nation wide community-based science project on multitasking. This is for science week and the test runs till then end of August.

11 August 2011: Congrats to Dana Schneider who just had her first first author paper accepted at JEP:G! Great start to the PhD!

4 August 2011: Welcome to Rebecca King who joins the lab as an RA.

29 July 2011: Farewell to Warrick Roseboom, one of the lab originals, who leaves for a postdoc at NTT in Japan - good luck!

19 July 2011: Paul, along with the Vanderbilt Team, has a paper accepted at PNAS.

11 July 2011: Ashleigh (a former honours student in the lab) and Paul have a paper accepted at JEP:HPP demonstrating that not all attentional blink tasks measure the attentional blink. Big congrats to Ash as this is her first paper!

4 July 2011: Claire Naughtin starts officially in the lab as a PhD Student.

1 July 2011: Paul to appear as a "Rising Star" in the Association for Psychological Science's (USA) APS Observer magazine.

1 July 2011: Steph Goodhew leaves the lab to take up her postdoctoral position in Toronto. Good luck!

14 June 2011: Big news....Claire Naughtin wins an Australian Postgraduate Award to fund her PhD!

26 May 2011: Dana Schneider passes her confirmation seminar with flying colours. Time to remove the the provisional from "Provisional PhD Student".

25 May 2011: (1.45pm) To cap off one of the greatest days of outcomes ever known, Steph Goodhew's PhD thesis was passed with NO corrections! Great job!

25 May 2011: (9am) Steph Goodhew receives Ontario Postdoctoral Fellowship for her postdoc with Jay Pratt at University of Toronto. Well done!

18 May 2011: Claire Naughtin is accepted for a PhD at UQ and will be working in the Dux Lab!

11 May 2011: Successful VSS meeting for the lab! Well done team.

15 March 2011: Steph Goodhew submits her PhD! Well done!

1 March 2011: Kelly Garner's first day as a PhD student. Welcome to the lab!

24 February 2011: Steph Goodhew wins a prestigious Vision Sciences Society (VSS) student travel award for the annual meeting in May - Well Done!

23 February 2011: Honours students Frances Jemesen, Elle Jones, Rebecca Lam and Susan Travis join the lab. Welcome! Is going to be a great 2011.

3 February 2011: David Painter gets a talk at VSS this year - well done!

11 January 2011: Devastating floods hit Brisbane, the lab and its members are all okay, but our thoughts and prayers are with those affected.

5 January 2011: Claire Naughtin joins the lab as a part time research assistant.

5 January 2011: Happy 2nd birthday lab!

16 December 2010: Huge news, hot off the presses, Kelly Garner will join the lab next year as a PhD student having received a prestigious UQ international student scholarship paying both her tuition fees and a living stipend!

13 December 2010: Postdoc position (from ARC grant) to work in the lab with Paul and Jason Mattingley is advertised. See link on the home page for details.

11 December 2010: René Marois leaves, thanks for a great visit!

8 December 2010: Paul and the cognitive neuroscience gang from psychology win a UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure Grant ($90,000). New eye-trackers and TMS neuro-navigation system here we come!

2-3 December 2010: First annual UQ Centre for Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop is held. Thanks to everyone for a great meeting!

2 December 2010: René Marois visits the lab.

1 December 2010: Congratulations to Ashleigh Kelly and Claire Naughtin who both received first class honours working in the lab this year.

15 November 2010: Paul receives an Early Career Research Grant from UQ for $20,000 (2011).

5 November 2010: Steph wins the award for best talk at the inaugural UQ School of Psychology Research Higher Degree Day! Another one for the trophy cabinet - well done!

5 November 2010: Eminent cognitive scientist Max Coltheart visits lab the lab and gave a great talk on his amazing career!

25 October 2010: BIG NEWS! Paul and Jason Mattingley receive a discovery grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC) for $382,000 (2011-2013). 

22 October 2010: Paul gives School of Psychology Seminar at University of Sydney.

20 October 2010: Steph and Paul, along with lab buddies Troy Visser and Ottmar Lipp, have a paper accepted at Cognition demonstrating that semantic processing survives object substitution masking.

16 October 2010: Steph arrives back from Yale! Welcome home!

13 October 2010: Ashleigh, Claire and Philip all submit their honours theses. Well done team!

14 October 2010: Paul, along with old buddies René Marois and Paige Scalf, has a paper accepted at Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience demonstrating with time-resolved fMRI that working memory load delays information processing in visual cortex.

14 September 2010: Steph leaves for her lab stay at Yale. Have a great trip!

10 September 2010: Paul joins the editorial board for the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (starting 2011).

4 September 2010: Paul joins the editorial board for the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (starting 2011).

16 August 2010: Paul receives the Research and Innovation Award from the SBS faculty at UQ.

19 June 2010: Paul joins the editorial board of Frontiers in Cognition.

10 May 2010: Paul and Steph both gave talks at VSS and the research was well received. Well done team!

24 April 2010: Paul leaves for the US for two weeks at Vanderbilt University prior to the VSS meeting.

15 April 2010: Paul gives comments in Scientific American on new paper in Science by the Koechlin group.

15 April 2010: Congratulations to Stephanie Goodhew who won a student presentation prize at the this year's EPC meeting - this is back-to-back years for Steph!

8 March 2010: A big well done to Dana Schneider who just got a full scholarship (tuition and living stipend) to do a PhD in the lab.

7 March 2010: Welcome to Claire Naughtin who will be in the lab working on her fMRI honours project.

1 March 2010: Old buddy Chris Asplund stops in for a visit.

1 March 2010: Welcome honours students Ashleigh Kelly and Philip Witowski to the lab. 

21 February 2010: Paul and Steph, along with lab buddies Troy and Ottmar, have a paper accepted at Psychological Science....Paul is very happy about this one!

11 February 2010: Dux lab has two talks (Paul and Steph) at VSS this year...very exciting!

5 January 2010: New paper on distractor inhibition and object processing in RSVP by Harris, Benito & Dux accepted for publication at JEP:HPP!

5 January 2010: Lab is one year old.

20 December 2009: Paul interviewed on ABC radio about multitasking by James O'Lochlin.

20 December 2009: Congratulations to Carly Mayberry who just had her first paper accepted at PBR. Not bad for someone who just finished her Honours degree!

4 December 2009: Congratulations to Carly, Christina and Dana for all being awarded first class honours! Well done guys, a fantastic outcome after lots of hard work!

21 November 2009: Congratulations to Steph Goodhew who just had her first paper published in JEP:HPP - a great result!

1 November 2009: Paper by Dux et al. on training, multitasking and the brain discussed in Scientific American Mind.

28 October 2009: Paul joins the editorial board of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology.

26 October 2009: Paul receives the APS early career research award.

14 October 2009: Well done Carly, Christina and Dana on submitting your honours theses!

27 August 2009: Well done Steph on winning the student presentation prize at the this year's EPC meeting!

7 August 2009: Jason Jones heads back to UCSD. Thanks for a great visit!

16 July 2009: Paper by Dux et al. published in the latest issue of Neuron. Check out a Nature News article on the project.

15 July 2009: Welcome to David Painter who joins the lab as a PhD student (well done on the scholarship David!)

29 June 2009: Blake Butler returns to the US after completing his semester long visit. Thanks for a great lab stay.

10 June 2009: Detailed review on the attentional blink, in press at APP, now available for download from the publications page.

4 June 2009: Welcome to Stephanie Goodhew who officially joins the lab as a PhD student.

25 May 2009: Paper on how the brain changes with training to allow efficient multitasking has been accepted for publication at Neuron! Stay tuned for the paper.

2 Mar 2009: Welcome Christina Kordatou and Carly Mayberry who join the lab as honour students and Blake Butler, from Washington University (USA), who joins as a visiting student.  

5 Jan 2009: Lab is officially open for business!

15 October 2008: Paul receives a discovery grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC) (including research fellowship) for $334,000 (2009-2012)!