
Electronic versions are provided as a professional courtesy to ensure timely dissemination of academic work for individual, noncommercial purposes. Copyright and all rights therein resides with the respective copyright holders, as stated within each paper. These files may not be reposted without permission.

Fox, A. J., Matthews, N., Qiu, Z., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2024). On the lasting impact of mild traumatic brain injury on working memory: Behavioural and electrophysiological evidence. Neuropsychologia, 204, 109005. (pdf)

Rasmussen T., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2024). On the role of prefrontal and parietal cortices in mind wandering and dynamic thought. Cortex, 17, 249-268. (pdf)

Wards, Y., Ehrhardt, S. E, Garner, K. G., Mattingley, J. B, Filmer, H. L ., & Dux, P. E. (2024). Stimulating prefrontal cortex facilitates training transfer by increasing representational overlap. Cerebral Cortex, 34 (5) bhae209. (pdf)

Ehrhardt, S., Wards, Y., Rideaux, R., Marjanska, M., Jin, J., Cloos, M., Deelchand, D., Zöllner, H., Saleh., M., Hui, S, Ali, T., Shaw, T., Barth, M., Mattingley, J., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2024). Neurochemical predictors of generalised learning induced by brain stimulation and training. Journal of Neuroscience, 44, e1676232024. (pdf)

Leow, L-A., Jiang, J., Bowers, S., Zhang, Y., Dux, P. E., & Filmer, H. L. (2024). Intensity-dependent effects of tDCS on motor learning are related to dopamine. Brain Stimulation, 17, 553-560. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., Leow, L-A., Uchida, A., Nolan, C., Jensen, O., Garrido, M., & Dux, P. E. (2024). Assessing the influence of dopamine and mindfulness on the formation of routines in visual search. Psychophysiology. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., Nolan, C. R., Nydam, A.  S., Nott, Z., Bowman, H. & Dux, P.E. (2024). Quantifying error in effect size estimates in attention, executive function and implicit learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 173, 61–79. (pdf)

Willmot, N. S., Leow, L-A., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2024). Exploring the intra-individual reliability of tDCS; a registered report. Cortex, 173, 61-79. (pdf)

Leow, L., Bernheine, L., Carroll, T., Dux, P. E., & Filmer, H. L. (2024). Dopamine increases accuracy and lengthens deliberation time in explicit motor skill learning. eNeuro, 11, ENEURO.0360-23.2023. (pdf)

Wards, Y., Ehrhardt, S. E., Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., Garner, K. G., & Dux, P. E. (2023). Neural substrates of individual differences in learning generalisation via paired brain stimulation and multitasking training. Cerebral Cortex, 33, 11679-11694. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Loughnan, K., Seeto, J. X., Ballard, T., Ehrhardt, S. E., Shaw, T., Wards, Y., Rideaux, R., Leow, L., Sewell, D., & Dux, P. E. (2023). Individual differences in decision strategy relate to neurochemical excitability and cortical thickness. Journal of Neuroscience, 43, 7006-7015. (pdf)

Leow, L., Marcos, A., Nielsen, E., Sewell, D. K., Ballard, T., Dux, P. E., Filmer, H. L. (2023). Dopamine alters the effect of brain stimulation on decision-making. Journal of Neuroscience, 43, 6909-6919. (pdf)

Willmot, N., Leow, L., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2023). Failure of tDCS to impact militarised threat-detection in a military cohort. Imaging Neuroscience, 1, 1-11. (pdf)

Kennedy, A., Dux, P. E., & Mallett, C. (2023). Development of the brief expertise scale for sports coaching. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 18, 1381-1394. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., & Dux, P. E. (2023). Knowledge generalisation and the costs of multitasking. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 24, 98–112. (pdf)

Ehrhardt, S. E., Ballard, T., Wards, Y., Mattingley, J. B., Dux, P. E. & Filmer, H. L. (2022). tDCS augments decision-making efficiency in an intensity dependent manner: A training study. Neuropsychologia, 176, 108397. (pdf)

Fox, A. J, Filmer, & Dux, P. E. (2022). The influence of self-reported history of mild traumatic brain injury on cognitive performance. Scientific Reports, 12, 16999. (pdf)

Gordon, M., Dux, P. E., & Filmer, H. L. (2022). Intervention is a better predictor of tDCS mind-wandering effects than subjective beliefs about experimental results. Scientific Reports, 12, 13110. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., Kane, S., Carroll, L., & Dux, P. E. (2022). On the influence of spatial and value cues across individuals. Journal of Cognition, 5, 38. (pdf)

Duncombe, S. L., Barker, A. R., Price, L., Walker, J. L., Dux, P. E., Fox, A., Matthews, N., & Stylianou, M. (2022). Making a HIIT: study protocol for assessing the feasibility and effects of co-designing high-intensity interval training workouts with students and teachers. BMC Pediatr, 22, 475. (pdf)

Garner, K .G., & Dux, P. E. (2022). The neural basis of multitasking. In Handbook on Human Multitasking (Springer), Eds Andrea Kiesel, Iring Koch, Hermann Müller, Leif Johannsen, pp. 233-273.

Matthews, N., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2022). Media-multitasking and cognitive control across the lifespan. Scientific Reports, 12, 43-49. (pdf).

Bradley, C., Nydam, A. S., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2022). State-dependent effects of neural stimulation on brain function and behavior. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 23, 459–475. (pdf)

Rideaux, R., Ehrhardt, S., Wards, Y., Filmer, H., Jin, J., Deelchand, D., Marjańska, M., Mattingley, J.B., & Dux, P.E. (2022). On the relationship between GABA+ and glutamate across the brain. Neuroimage. (pdf)

Mulvihill, A., Matthews, N., Dux, P. E., & Carroll, A. (2022). Task difficulty and private speech in typically developing and at-risk preschool children. Journal of Child Language, 21, 1-28. (pdf)

Garner, K .G., & Dux, P. E. (2022). The neural basis of multitasking. In Handbook on Human Multitasking (Springer), Eds Andrea Kiesel, Iring Koch, Hermann Müller, Leif Johannsen, pp. 233-273. (pdf)

Kennedy, A., Dux, P. E., & Mallett. C. J. (2021). Exploring the higher-order cognitive capacities of sports coaches. International Sport Coaching Journal, 9, 271–277. (pdf)

Mulvihill, A., Matthews, N., Dux, P. E., & Carroll, A. (2021). Preschool children’s private speech content and performance on executive functioning and problem-solving tasks. Cognitive Development, 60, 101116. (pdf)

Tan, S. J., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2021). Age-related differences in the role of the prefrontal cortex in sensory-motor training gains: A tDCS study. Neuropsychologia, 158, 107891. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Marcus, L. H., Dux, P. E. (2021). Stimulating task unrelated thoughts: tDCS of prefrontal and parietal cortices leads to polarity specific increases in mind wandering. Neuropsychologia, 151, 107723. (pdf)

Ehrhardt, S. E., Filmer, H. L., Wards, Y., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2021). The influence of tDCS intensity on decision-making training and transfer outcomes. Journal of Neurophysiology, 125, 385–397. (pdf)

Horne, K., S., Filmer, H. L., Nott, Z. E., Hawi, Z., Pugsley, K., & Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2021). Evidence against benefits from cognitive training and transcranial direct current stimulation in healthy older adults. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 146-158. (pdf)

Nydam, A. S., Sewell, D. K., & Dux, P. E. (2020). Effects of tDCS on visual statistical learning. Neuropsychologia, 148, 107652. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Ballard, T., Sewell, D. K., & Dux, P. E. (2021). Causal evidence for dissociable roles of the prefrontal and superior medial frontal cortices in decision strategies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47, 518-528. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., Garrido, M. I., & Dux, P. E. (2020). Cognitive capacity limits are remediated by practice-induced plasticity between the Putamen and Pre-Supplementary Motor Area. eNeuro, 7 (4) ENEURO.0139-20.2020. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Ballard, T., Ehrhardt, S., Bollmann, S., Shaw, T. B., Mattingley, J.B., & Dux, P. E. (2020). Dissociable effects of tDCS polarity on latent decision processes are associated with individual differences in neurochemical concentrations and cortical morphology. Neuropsychologia, 141, 107433. (pdf)

Hall, M. G., & Dux, P. E. (2020). Training attenuates the influence of sensory uncertainty on confidence estimation. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 82,2630–2640. (pdf)

Mulvihill, A., Carroll, A., Dux, P. E., & Matthews, N. (2020). Self-directed speech and self-regulation in childhood neurodevelopmental disorders: Current findings and future directions. Development and Psychopathology, 32, 205-217. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2020). Modulating brain activity and behaviour with tDCS: rumours of its death have been greatly exaggerated. Cortex, 123, 141-151. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Griffin, A., Dux, P. E. (2019). For a minute there, I lost myself… dosage dependent increases in mind wandering via prefrontal tDCS. Neuropsychologia, 129, 379-384. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Fox, A., Dux, P. E. (2019). Causal evidence of right temporal parietal junction involvement in implicit theory of mind processing. Neuroimage, 196, 329-336. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Ehrhardt, S., Shaw, T. B., Mattingley, J.B., Dux, P. E. (2019). The efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation to prefrontal areas is related to underlying cortical morphology. Neuroimage, 196, 41-48. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Ehrhardt, S., Bollmann, S., Mattingley, J.B., Dux, P. E. (2019). Accounting for individual differences in the response to tDCS with baseline levels of neurochemical excitability. Cortex, 115, 324-334. (pdf)

Travis, S. L., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2019). Neural correlates of goal-directed enhancement and suppression in the absence of conscious perception. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 81, 1346-1364. (pdf)

Spence, M. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2018). Uncertainty information that is irrelevant for report impacts confidence judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 1981-1994. (pdf)

Harris, A. M., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (in press). Awareness is related to reduced post-stimulus alpha power: A no-report inattentional blindness study. European Journal of Neuroscience. (pdf)

Hall, M. G., Mattingley, J. B., Naughtin, C. K., & Dux, P. E. (2018). Distributed and opposing effects of incidental learning in the human brain. Neuroimage, 173, 351-360. (pdf)

Harris, A. M., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2018). Detecting unattended stimuli depends on the phase of pre-stimulus neural oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 3092-3101. (pdf)

Hall, M. G., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2018). Electrophysiological correlates of incidentally learned expectations in human vision. Journal of Neurophysiology, 119, 1461-1470. (pdf)

Grainger, S. A., Henry, J. D., Naughtin, C. K., Comino, M. S., & Dux, P. E. (2018). Implicit false belief tracking is preserved in late adulthood. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 79, 1980-1987. (pdf)

Nydam, A. S., Sewell, D. K., & Dux, P. E. (2018). Cathodal electrical stimulation of frontoparietal cortex disrupts statistical learning of visual configural information. Cortex, 99, 187-199. (pdf)

Naughtin, C. K., Mattingley, J. B., Bender, A. D., & Dux, P. E. (2018). Decoding early and late cortical contributions to individuation of attended and unattended objects. Cortex, 99, 45-54. (pdf)

Verghese, A., Mattingley, J. B., Palmer, P., & Dux, P. E. (2018). From eyes to hands: Transfer of learning in the Simon task across motor effectors. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 80, 193-210. (pdf)

Verghese, A., Garner, K. G., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2018). Decision-making training reduces the attentional blink. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 195-205. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., Lyons, M. M. R., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Anodal tDCS applied during multitasking training leads to transferable performance gains. Scientific Reports, 7: 12988. (pdf)

Bender, A. D., Filmer, H. L., Naughtin, C. K., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Dynamic, continuous multitasking training leads to task-specific improvements but does not transfer across action selection tasks. npj Science of Learning, 2:14. (pdf)

Naughtin, C. K., Tamber-Rosenau, B. J., & Dux, P. E. (2017). The neural basis of temporal individuation and its capacity limits in the human brain. Journal of Neurophysiology, 118, 2601-2613. (pdf)

Travis, S. L., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2017). Re-examining the influence of attention and consciousness on visual afterimage duration. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43, 1944-1949. (pdf)

Bender, A. D., Filmer, H. L., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Transcranial direct current stimulation of superior medial frontal cortex disrupts response selection during proactive response inhibition. Neuroimage, 158, 455-465. (pdf)

Naughtin, C. K., Horne, K., Schneider, D., Venini, D., York, A., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Do implicit and explicit belief processing share neural substrates. Human Brain Mapping, 38, 4760-4772. (pdf)

Harris, A. M., Dux, P. E., Jones, C. N., & Mattingley, J. B. (2017). Distinct roles of theta and alpha oscillations in the involuntary capture of goal-directed attention. Neuroimage, 152, 171-183. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Wells-Peris, R., & Dux, P. E. (2017). The role of executive attention in object substitution masking. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 79, 1070-1077. (pdf)

Schneider, D., Slaughter, V. P., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Current evidence for automatic theory of mind processing in adults. Cognition, 162, 27-31. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Varghese, E., Hawkins, G. E., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2017). Improvements in attention and decision-making following combined behavioural training and brain stimulation. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 3675-3682. (pdf)

Naughtin, C. K., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2016). Early information processing contributions to object individuation revealed by perception of illusory figures. Journal of Neurophysiology, 116, 2513-2522. (pdf)

Bender, A. D., Filmer, H. L., Garner, K. G., Naughtin, C. K., & Dux, P. E. (2016). On the relationship between response selection and response inhibition: An individual differences approach. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78, 2420–2432. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., Lynch, C. L., & Dux, P. E. (2016). Transfer of training benefits requires rules we cannot see (or hear). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1148-1157. (pdf)

Dux, P. E. (2016). Getting back from the basics: What is the role for attention and fronto-parietal circuits in consciousness? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39, e175. (pdf)

Dell'Acqua, R., Doro, M., Dux, P. E., Losier, T., & Jolicoeur, P. (2016). Enhanced frontal activation underlies sparing from the attentional blink: Evidence from human electrophysiology. Psychophysiology, 53, 623-633. (pdf).

Spence, M. L., Dux, P. E., & Arnold, D. H. (2016). Computations Underlying Confidence in Visual Perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 671-682. (pdf).

Verghese, A., Garner, K. G., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2016). Prefrontal cortex structure predicts training-induced improvements in multitasking performance. Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 2638-2645. (pdf)

Naughtin, C. K., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2016). Distributed and overlapping neural substrates for object individuation and identification in visual short-term memory. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 566-575. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., & Dux, P. E. (2015). Training conquers multitasking costs by dividing task representations in the frontoparietal-subcortical system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 112, 14372-14377. (pdf)

Painter, D. R., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2015). Causal involvement of visual area MT in global feature-based enhancement but not contingent attentional capture. Neuroimage, 118, 90-102. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., Matthews, N., Remington, R. W., & Dux, P. E. (2015). Transferability of training benefits differs across neural events: Evidence from event related potentials. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 2079-2094. (pdf)

Hall, M. G., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2015). Distinct contributions of attention and working memory to visual statistical learning and ensemble processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 1112-1123. (pdf)

Painter, D. R., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2015). Distinct roles of the intraparietal sulcus and temporoparietal junction in attentional capture from distractor features: an individual differences approach. Neuropsychologia, 74, 50-62. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2015). Dissociable effects of anodal and cathodal tDCS reveal distinct functional roles for right parietal cortex in the detection of single and competing stimuli. Neuropsychologia, 74, 120-126. (pdf)

Dell'Acqua, R., Dux, P. E., Wyble, B., Doro, M., Sessa, P., Meconi, F., & Jolicoeur, P. (2015). The attentional blink impairs detection and delays encoding of visual information: Evidence from human electrophysiology. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24, 720-735. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2015). Object substitution masking for an attended and foveated target. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 6-10. (pdf)

Schneider, D., Slaughter, V. P., & Dux, P. E. (2015). What do we know about implicit false-belief processing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1-22. (pdf)

Becker, S. I., Grubert, A., & Dux, P. E. (2014). Distinct neural networks for target features verses dimension changes in visual search, as revealed by EEG and fMRI. Neuroimage, 102, 798-808. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Dux, P. E., & Mattingley, J. B. (2014). Application of transcranial direct current stimulation for understanding brain function. Trends in Neurosciences, 37, 742-753. (pdf)

Schneider, D., Slaughter, V. P., Becker, S. I., & Dux, P. E. (2014). Implicit false-belief processing in the human brain. Neuroimage,101, 268-275. (pdf)

Schneider, D., Nott, Z. E., & Dux, P. E. (2014). Task instructions and implicit theory of mind. Cognition,133, 43-47. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2014). Size (mostly) doesn't matter: the role of set size in object substitution masking. Attention Perception, & Psychophysics, 76, 1620-1629. (pdf)

Painter, D. R., Dux, P. E., Travis, S. L., & Mattingley, J. B. (2014). Neural responses to target features outside a search array are enhanced during conjunction but not unique-feature search. Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 3390-3401. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., Tombu, M. N., & Dux, P. E. (2014). The influence of training on the attentional blink and psychological refractory period. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76, 979-999. (pdf)

Dux, P. E., Wyble, B. P., Jolicoeur, P., & Dell'Acqua, R. (2014). On the costs of lag-1 sparing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40, 416-428. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., Marois, R., & Dux, P. E. (2013). Disrupting prefrontal cortex prevent performance gains from sensory-motor training. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 18654-18660. (pdf)

Filmer, H. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2013). Improved multitasking following prefrontal tDCS. Cortex, 49, 2845-2852. (pdf)

Schneider, D., Slaughter, V. P., Bayliss, A. P., & Dux, P. E. (2013). A temporally sustained implicit theory of mind deficit in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Cognition, 129, 410-417. (pdf)

Tamber-Rosenau, B. J., Dux, P. E., Tombu, M. N., Asplund, C. L., & Marois, R. (2013). Amodal processing in human prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 11573-11587. (pdf)

Dux, P. E., Roseboom, W., & Olivers, C. N. L. (2013). Attentional tuning resets after failures of perceptual awareness. PLoS ONE, 8, e60623. (PLEASE COMMENT ON/RATE THIS ARTICLE)

Goodhew, S. C., Pratt, J., Dux, P. E., & Ferber, S. (2013). Substituting objects from consciousness: A review of object substitution masking. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 859-877. (pdf)

Dale, G., Dux, P. E., & Arnell, K. A. (2013). Individual differences within and across attentional blink tasks revisited. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75, 456-467. (pdf)

Travis, S. L., Mattingley, J. B., & Dux, P. E. (2013). On the role of working memory in spatial contextual cueing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39, 208-219. (pdf)

Bayliss, A. P., Naughtin, C. K., Lipp, O. V., Kritikos, A., & Dux, P. E. (2012). Make a lasting impression: The neural consequences of re-encountering people who emote inappropriately. Psychophysiology, 49, 1571-1578. (pdf)

Garner, K. G., Dux, P. E., Wagner, J., Cummins, T. D. R., Chambers, C. D., & Bellgrove, M. A. (2012). Attentional asymmetries in a visual orienting task are related to temperament. Cognition & Emotion, 26, 1508-1515. (pdf)

Schneider, D., Lam, R., Bayliss, A. P., & Dux, P. E. (2012). Cognitive load disrupts implicit theory of mind processing. Psychological Science, 23, 842-847. (pdf)

Dell'Acqua, R. Dux, P. E., Wyble, B., & Jolicoeur, P. (2012). Sparing from the attentional blink is not spared from structural limitations. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19, 232-238. (pdf)

Goodhew, S. C., Dux, P. E., Lipp, O. V., & Visser, T. A. W. (2012). Understanding recovery from object substitution masking. Cognition, 122, 405-415. (pdf)

Schneider, D., Bayliss, A. P., Becker, S. I., & Dux, P. E. (2012). Eye movements reveal sustained implicit processing of other's mental states. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141, 433-438. (pdf)

Tombu, M. N., Asplund, C. L., Dux, P. E., Godwin, F. D., Martin, J. W., & Marois, R. (2011). A unified attentional bottleneck in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108, 13426-13431. (pdf)

Kelly, A. J., & Dux, P. E. (2011). Different attentional blink tasks reflect distinct information processing limitations: An individual differences approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37, 1867-1873. (pdf)

Scalf, P. E., Dux, P. E., & Marois, R. (2011). Working memory encoding delays top-down attention to visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 2593-2604. (pdf)

Goodhew, S. G., Visser, T. A. W., Lipp, O. V., & Dux, P. E. (2011). Implicit semantic perception in object substitution masking. Cognition, 118, 130-134. (pdf)

Goodhew, S. C., Visser, T. A. W., Lipp, O. V., & Dux, P. E. (2011). Competing for consciousness: prolonged mask exposure reduces object substitution masking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37, 588-596. (pdf)

Dux, P. E., Visser, T. A. W., Goodhew, S. C., & Lipp, O. V. (2010). Delayed re-entrant processing impairs visual awareness: an object substitution masking study. Psychological Science, 21, 1242-1247. (pdf)

Harris, I. M., Benito, C. T., & Dux P. E. (2010). Priming from distractors in RSVP is modulated by image properties and attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 1595-1608. (pdf)

Mayberry, C. R., Livesey, E. J., & Dux, P. E. (2010). Rapid learning of rapid temporal context. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17, 417-420. (pdf).

Dux, P. E., & Marois, R. (2009). The attentional blink: a review of data and theory. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71, 1683-1700. (pdf)

Dux, P. E., Tombu, M. N., Harrison, S., Rogers, B. P., Tong, F., & Marois, R. (2009). Training improves multitasking performance by increasing the speed of information processing in human prefrontal cortex. Neuron, 63, 127-138. (pdf)

Dux, P. E., Asplund, C. L., & Marois, R. (2009). Both exogenous and endogenous target salience manipulations support resource depletion accounts of the attentional blink: A reply to Olivers, Spalek, Kawahara & Di Lollo (2009). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16, 219-224. (pdf

Buckholtz, J. W., Asplund, C. L., Dux, P. E., Zald, D. H., Gore, J. C., Jones, O. D., & Marois, R. (2008). The neural basis of third-party punishment. Neuron, 60, 930-940. (pdf) (click here for forward by Haushofer & Fehr)

Dux, P. E., & Marois, R. (2008). Distractor inhibition predicts individual differences in the attentional blink. PLoS ONE, 3, e3330. (PLEASE COMMENT ON/RATE THIS ARTICLE) 

Dux, P. E., Asplund, C. L., & Marois, R. (2008). An attentional blink for sequentially presented targets: evidence in favor of resource depletion accounts. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 809-813. (pdf

Dux, P. E., & Coltheart, V. (2008). Repetition blindness and repetition priming: Effects of featural differences between targets and distractors on RSVP dual-target search. Memory & Cognition, 36, 776-790. (pdf)

Harris, I. M., Dux, P. E., Benito, C. T., & Leek, E. C. (2008). Orientation sensitivity at different stages of object processing: evidence from repetition priming and naming. PLoS ONE, 3, e2256. (PLEASE COMMENT ON/RATE THIS ARTICLE)

Dux, P. E., & Marois, R. (2007). Repetition blindness is immune to the central bottleneck. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 729-734. (pdf

Dux, P. E., & Harris, I. M. (2007). On the failure of distractor inhibition in the attentional blink. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 723-728. (pdf

Dux, P. E., & Harris, I. M. (2007). Viewpoint costs occur during consolidation: evidence from the attentional blink. Cognition, 101, 47-58. (pdf

Dux, P. E., Ivanoff, J. G., Asplund, C. L., & Marois, R. (2006). Isolation of a central bottleneck of information processing with time-resolved fMRI. Neuron, 52, 1109-1120. (pdf

Dux, P. E., Coltheart, V., & Harris. I. M. (2006). On the fate of distractor stimuli in rapid serial visual presentation. Cognition, 99, 355-382. (pdf

Harris, I. M., & Dux, P. E. (2005). Turning objects on their heads: The influence of the stored axis on object individuation. Perception & Psychophysics, 67, 1010-1015. (pdf

Dux, P. E., & Coltheart, V. (2005). The meaning of the mask matters: evidence of conceptual interference in the attentional blink. Psychological Science, 16, 775-779. (pdf

Harris, I. M., & Dux, P. E. (2005). Orientation-invariant object recognition: evidence from repetition blindness. Cognition, 95, 73-93. (pdf

Coltheart, V., Mondy, S., Dux, P. E., & Stephenson, L. (2004). Effects of orthographic and phonological word length on memory for lists shown at RSVP and STM rates. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 30, 815-826. (pdf)